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Water Heater Repair Tips

If your water heater stops producing hot water, check first to make sure that electricity is being delivered. A tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse could be the culprit.

Water Heater Repair

If you own a gas water heater, relighting the pilot light may solve your problem. However, if you need some help from the experts, contact Water Heater Repair Tampa.

If your home’s water turns a strange color or looks cloudy, it can be alarming. These changes in water quality may indicate dangerous contaminants or a problem with your water heater that requires immediate attention. Depending on the color of the discolored water, you may need to flush your water heater or install a whole-home filtration system to solve the problem.

Discolored water can be caused by a variety of reasons, from temporary disturbances in the public water supply to problems with your plumbing pipes or the water heater itself. If the discolored water only affects your hot water, it’s likely due to sediment stirring up in the municipal water pipes that run to your house or the copper and iron water supply lines that connect them. To help determine the source of the problem, check whether the discolored water is in both your hot and cold water supplies.

Water heaters can also become discolored when they’re older and in need of maintenance or repair. The water heater tank accumulates mineral deposits on the bottom and inside the walls, and these can cause the water to turn a rusty or brown color. Regular water heater flushing helps eliminate these deposits and extends the water heater’s life expectancy.

If the water in your home is discolored, our plumbing inspection experts can assess the situation and recommend the appropriate water heater repair or replacement. While a change in water color can be alarming, it’s typically not dangerous, except in the case of reddish-colored discolored water that indicates the presence of rust particles.

Rust is not toxic, but it can be unhealthy and make the water taste bad. This can lead to health issues, so removing the rust is essential. Our plumbers can recommend the best solution, which usually involves replacing older pipes that may be causing this problem. For example, if your discolored water is due to a leaky tank or valve, our expert plumbers can fix the problem and ensure that it doesn’t happen again. In addition, if the water heater is approaching its end of life, it’s best to replace it immediately.

Tank Corrosion

Corrosion is a chemical reaction that takes place when metal, water, and oxygen are combined. It results in the creation of rust, which can cause problems for your home’s water heater and piping systems. Fortunately, water heaters come with multiple features designed to stave off corrosion. However, those systems cannot stop corrosion from eventually taking hold. If you notice signs of a corrosion problem, it’s important to schedule water heater repair immediately.

The most common sign of a corroding water heater is red, orange, or brown discoloration in your home’s hot water supply. The discolored water is caused by rust particles breaking off from the tank and traveling through your pipes to your faucets. The water is also more acidic and prone to clogging because of the rust.

A corroded water heater tank can also become brittle and develop leaks as a result of the rusty interior liner. These leaks are difficult to detect and can be extremely dangerous because they could allow flammable sediment from the tank to enter your home’s plumbing system.

If you notice rust on the bottom of your water heater tank, this may be a sign that your sacrificial anode rod has failed. This is a rod crafted of magnesium or aluminum that runs down through the tank. The anode rod attracts corrosive metal particles away from the rest of the tank, essentially “sacrificing” itself to save the rest of the heater. If the anode rod has completely corroded, it must be replaced with a new one as soon as possible.

Conventional wisdom holds that once a water heater tank starts to show signs of corrosion on the inside or outside, it’s time to replace the system. This is because once corrosion starts to set in, the tank will begin to leak shortly afterward.

The good news is that preventive maintenance with a professional plumber can help you avoid this problem altogether. By having a professional inspect your system and make necessary repairs, you can keep your tank from corroding before it’s time to be replaced.

Tank Leaks

A water heater tank leak can lead to flooding and expensive repairs. If yours is leaking, turn off your gas and water supply and call a professional as soon as possible. You might be able to stop the leak from getting worse with some basic troubleshooting, and it’s worth trying.

Check the drain valve to make sure it is closed and that there is no water leaking from it or around it. If there is, the valve is likely clogged and needs to be replaced. You should also check the temperature-pressure relief valve (T&P). If it’s leaking, it will need to be replaced.

If you’ve found no evidence of a leak, the problem is most likely with the internal steel tank itself. This is a safety device that releases pressure from the tank when it gets too hot, and you will usually notice water under your water heater if it has failed. The good news is that this can be repaired, and most professional plumbers will have a replacement in stock.

Another common problem with tank water heaters is a faulty thermostat or cutoff switch. If you’ve checked the T&P valve and found no sign of a leak, then it is almost certainly an electrical problem with either the thermostat or cutoff switch.

Both of these can be tested by turning off your electric water heater, shutting off the water supply valve to the tank, and then checking to see if the pilot light is still lit. If it’s not, then the orifice may be clogged and will need to be cleaned by your local plumber or gas company.

If yours is a gas-powered water heater, then you will need to shut off the water valve at your home’s main water line, which should be located within a few feet of your home’s gas meter. You should also turn off the gas to your water heater by turning the dial on the gas valve, which is typically a large round handle that looks like a wheel. This will need to be turned clockwise in order to shut off the water and gas supplies.

Sluggish Performance

If your water heater is producing hot water but seems to be running sluggishly, a plumber will have to take a closer look at the unit. Often, this indicates a problem with the heating element or a malfunctioning thermocouple. If this is the case, it will likely cost a considerable amount to repair.

In some cases, this can also indicate that the unit isn’t sized properly for your household or family. In this instance, it would be smart to invest in a newer, larger unit.

On the other hand, if your water heater appears to be in good working order but is producing little to no hot water at all, you could have a problem with your gas valve. In this case, a professional will need to come out and replace the thermocouple or gas control valve.

You can save yourself some money by relighting the pilot light on your own, but please follow the safety instructions included with your water heater carefully. Doing this without following proper safety guidelines can lead to serious injury and damage to your water heater or other appliances.

In addition to relighting your pilot light or resetting the circuit breaker on your electric unit, you can try draining the tank. This is something that most plumbers will be more than happy to do for you, though it will probably incur their normal hourly rate. This is a relatively easy and affordable repair. In fact, it’s a maintenance step you should perform regularly to ensure that your unit is functioning at optimal performance.